Reflections Mary Crylen Reflections Mary Crylen

To Create is to Feed One's Soul

Chicago, IL; USA 

Intentional. I sit down today to be intentional. With this new virtual endeavor, I plan on cataloguing and documenting this wild world. From the brinks of the fringe to the powerful human condition. Though nothing may come of this, I remind myself to create is to feed one’s soul. The little moments that make you laugh or cry or roll your eyes are the ones I aim to capture through word; through imagery. These are the moments that reflect why we are here, why we exist. For words tell stories that reflect back onto ourselves exposing the deepest set rawness of being and undeniable truths. They keep our imagination soaring, as well as our logic grounded. They seem to allow us to grow without leaving lifting an eye from the page. A deep inset of knowledge and power lies within our grasp, if only we are brave enough to pursue it.

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